Thursday, March 6, 2014

10 Signs that You're a Human Being

Being a human is so stressful! Things get so crazy and out of hand sometimes, that we need to just sit down and resort to internet created lists in order to validate our own insecurities. You know what I'm talking about, right Helen? Haha. Oh you.

Since so many lists get posted on the internet displaying numerical offerings of common attributes, I figured that it is about time that there is a more relatable, more sharable list for the cyber world to indulge in!

10 Signs that You're a Human Being:

1. Breathing air as to not suffocate!

Can't live with it, can't live without it, am I right?!

2. Eating food in order to survive!

Nom nom nom. You go girl. Eat that salad!

3. Sleeping as to not die!

Or use the alternative of a Starbucks double mocha latte in order to stay alive. Ether works, girl!

4. Genitals!

Unless you have had some freak accident, in which case you have been classified as a sub-human, you can stand proud to know that you are INDEED a human!

5. Emotional reactions to things!

Unlike those boring, less popular species, we humans can feel things. And, boy we sure do! Who wants to watch Ice Castles?!

6. Sense with the senses!

Do you smell what the rock is cookin'?! Haha, no? Well, go to hell you socialist pig!

7. Free will!

That's right. As a human you can make decisions, for better or for worse. Now which Prada bag do I pick?! Ughhh life is SO hard.

8. Ability to love!

All we need is love! And pizza! I love pizza! Let's go get some pizza while we gossip about boys, haha!

9. Poop!

I bet you poop, don't you. Don't be shy. Just say it with me. Poop.

10. You're Alive!

This may be the most important, especially if you're reading this. Unless you're a ghost. In which case, tell Whitney Houston I said hi!!!!!!

So That's it. 10 Signs that you're a human being. Share with your friends so that they can also relate to these very specific and special points for which I really thought about to curate. Hopefully you can touch some one else's life through my blog exposure. Hopefully someone in your life will read this and think "Wow, so true!" Because, since we are human, we are constantly looking to relate to one another on a much deeper level.