Saturday, July 20, 2013

You're Allowed to Like Things

I get it. I'm only 22 years old. The only thing significant about that age is a mediocre Taylor Swift song. I've barely lived my life and I'm by no means wise. But, I have a bone to pick with how our society has been conducting itself. Although this is a large generalization, people need to stop being so damn judgmental of what other people like.

Here is the thing. You're allowed to like things. Well... Obviously you should not like murdering people, or any clearly morally corrupt thing.... But if you really think that I am promoting crime or self harm with this post then you can stop reading and go play on an active railway (I'm sure people like to do that).

There is enough pressure from society on what we should like. From advertisements to social media, we are barraged with brands, celebrities, food choices, ect. On top of that, we have our family and friends to add to the mix of influences. I mean who doesn't have an overly opinionated aunt that insists that you like their cooking and that your music is crappy. In a way we are almost spoon fed our interests on a daily basis. Or at least what others think our interests should be. And it's a very big spoon. Big enough to fit Abercrombie models and the Snuggie family combined.

The truth of the matter is that you probably secretly like things. For instance I love Miley Cyrus' new song. See that? You probably just judged me. That's the problem. Stop before I get the spray bottle and rolled up newspaper! If you have yet to realize it, I'm allowed to like Miley Cyrus. Why? Because it doesn't effect you. This applies to all interests. And you want to know why it is important that you don't judge me for liking Miley Cyrus? Because I won't judge you for liking Mumford and Sons. The world is beautiful, isn't it?

This issue goes even deeper when the things you like start to becoming career choices. You may want to go back and refer to my "Working for Happiness" article. Although that article pretty much sums it up, it should be adherently clear that if you do something that you like, it will make you happy. What is magical and beautiful is that everyone likes different things! Some people like to crochet alone in their cabin while listening to 'The Price is Right' in the background. Others like to drink cheap liquor and go to K$sha concerts then throw up in their purses. Is one better than the other? Perhaps to you. But, you can't really say because some people don't like the other. Actually.... Some people don't like either! Crazy, I know. This means that if someone chooses to pursuit a career in acting or sculpture with a very risky job market you can't judge them for not choosing a career with a more clear and accessible future. Odds are these people are probably very happy, and don't judge you for your desk job.

I guess that the point I am trying to emphasize here is that you can't assume you have better taste than anyone else. You're most likely ignorant towards whatever you are being fussy about. And, odds are, the things you do are probably not in the taste of the person you are referencing. You can like different things and it doesn't make either of you better than the other. Jane can like her McDonald's Burger and Alex can like his organic, vegan quinoa salad. All is well in the world, and both Jane and Alex have eaten dinner without being judged by each other.

So, go and like things. Like them on Facebook. Shout them to the world. Get a tattoo of them. You're allowed to do any and all of those things, because you're allowed to like whatever you want. Except like Nickleback. No one is allowed to like Nickleback.

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